Swords The Knights Guild Swords

The knights guild is located in Kordar City, in the northern part of the big city square. To enter it, just open the massive door at the entrance and step north.
Below is a map of the knights guild.

                    # = Exit
		    ^ = Stairs up
		    v = Stairs down
  Ground floor:

      |---|---|     C = The chapel
      | A | C |     A = The armoury
  |---|-#-|-#-|     * = The Champion of Kordar
  | E # * # G |     E = Entrance
  |^#-|---|^--|     G = The inner guild

   Top floor:	    

          |---|	    M = The mayor's office
          | P |	    C = The high council members' room
  |---|---|-#-|	    V = The voting room for the high council
  | M | C # V |	    P = The voting room for the player council

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