
Evil! The most pure and unforgiving evil there is, lurks in the heart of a dreadlord. His wish is to shroud the world in darkness and bring death to every place where life prevails. He is an undead loathing all that lives.

The dreadlord's powers comes to him from his dark God - Zath, bringer of Pain and Darkness. An acient God with an undying thirst for blood and fresh souls to devour. The power he grants his worshipers are dark and deadly. But the price Zath demands in excange for this powers is great and grim. In order to be accepted into the brotherhood he must give up his life and pledge his very soul to Zath.

Darkness follows in the footsteps of the dreadlord as he travels through the land, draining the life out of everything living, feeding on the lifeforce of others. The awsome destructive power of the dreadlord's horrible towhanded sword - the deathblade, is enough to make the world tremble at his will.

The kepper of the guild is Graath Leah, the high priest and general of Zath. He is the one that trains the dreadlord and keeps the infidels out of the inner parts of the temple.

The Temple of Zath is located deep under ground at the island of Dreadstone. A small ferry connects the island with the Larsian continet through the small Harbour Village, west of Larstown. Below a crack in the ground near the castle of Dreadstone lies the Netherworld, and outside the entrance to the wicked place is an opening in the wall, leading to a path deeper into the ground, to the realm of Zath, to pain, darkness and everlasting death.
